Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sponsor a performer for Our Fabulous Variety Show's Charitable Cabaret!

As part of my efforts as an event planner, I am producing a show with the help of my amazingly talented friends. We are all young artists, working to make our start, and I don't want to ask any of my friends to volunteer time and energy for what they should be paid big bucks for.

If you have seen them perform, you know they deserve compensation.

This is where I come in, I am working out a proposition to have people sponsor actors, performers, and musicians for our new company! If you would like to contribute to our cause and our art please let me know. There is no contribution too small, every bit makes a huge impact on our ability to afford gas to drive to rehearsals, haha.

Another way you can support our work is by coming out to see Or Fabulous Variety Show, A Charitable Cabaret this May!

Reserve your seats today by visiting
or by calling Anita Boyer at 740.607.6748. We look forward to seeing you there!