Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Running and Raising

I'm not sure which is more daunting- the running goals or the fund raising goals. Right now I am able to run 30 minutes without stopping at about a 9.5 minute mile pace- which is 1.5 hours too little and not quite fast enough. There is plenty of time to get faster, as far as months are concerned- but every day I manage to busy myself out of my running time. And for fund raising- I have made $345, which is fantastic but it is only 5% of my goal!

So that is why I started this blog- 1. to keep me honest and training (because it's embarrassing to set goals online and fail miserably and also any words of encouragement help too!) and 2. to let you know how hard I'm working so maybe you'll feel inclined to throw me a few bucks on my donation site or send out the info to your family and friends so they can support the mission as well!

Today I am in Athens, Ohio visiting the wonderful Caitlin! My lil bro is on his way to pick me up and take me back to basketland so I can hang out with him and my beloved Kelso. I am very excited to see my little hometown and maybe catch the farmer's market, and of course a little run here and there :)

As always I leave you with my link- click it, get some details on what I'm up to, donate, and pass the info along! Thanks and have a fabulous day!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Help me punch Crohn's & Colitis in the FACE!

Last week I joined Team Challenge and dedicated myself for the next 15 weeks to train for the Vegas ½ Marathon! Along with some friends on the East End I have decided to do my part to help punch Crohn’s and Colitis diseases in the face! We are raising money for the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America and we each hope to run (without walking!) the entire half marathon and raise over $3,700 each! These are high goals but I know that with our work ethics and dedication- as well as the generosity and support of our friends and families- we will deifnitely be able to acheive these goals!

The 13+ mile race is on December 5 in Las Vegas, and we will be raising funds and training like crazy with Team Long Island- East End Division in hopes of finding a cure for these diseases from which over 1.4 million Americans suffer!

I actually have even higher goals than that- I am working to run the race in under 2 hours (about a 9 minute mile pace) and raise $7,500 to be upgraded to VIP fund raising status and have my impact be that much greater toward finding cures and help for people suffering from these diseases.

We have several fund raisers in the works right now and a even more to come- but here is a list of what we are working on:

September 11- Bake Sale at the Hampton Bays King Kullen! Help us by stopping by to pick up some sweet treats or donate some baked goods!
September 23- Arbonne Party! If you or someone you know is interested in an invite let me know!
October 1- Variety Show Cabaret! This is the big one- join us at the Southampton Cultural Center at 8 pm for an evening of music, dancing, performance, and festivities! We will have performances from the SCC's recent production of Cabaret as well as from the cast of the upcoming performance of Annie! We will also have a silent auction and raffle. Admission to this one night only event is free, though a $20 donation is strongly suggested. Please contact me for information on how to reserve your seat today!
October 21- Another Arbonne Party! Please stay informed by visiting my site for more information on upcoming fund raisers and send the link to all of your friends!

Please visit my donation site to give online or call/email me for info on other ways you can help!
(Posting my donation link to your facebook status is an easy way to help more than you know! : )