Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Running and Raising

I'm not sure which is more daunting- the running goals or the fund raising goals. Right now I am able to run 30 minutes without stopping at about a 9.5 minute mile pace- which is 1.5 hours too little and not quite fast enough. There is plenty of time to get faster, as far as months are concerned- but every day I manage to busy myself out of my running time. And for fund raising- I have made $345, which is fantastic but it is only 5% of my goal!

So that is why I started this blog- 1. to keep me honest and training (because it's embarrassing to set goals online and fail miserably and also any words of encouragement help too!) and 2. to let you know how hard I'm working so maybe you'll feel inclined to throw me a few bucks on my donation site or send out the info to your family and friends so they can support the mission as well!

Today I am in Athens, Ohio visiting the wonderful Caitlin! My lil bro is on his way to pick me up and take me back to basketland so I can hang out with him and my beloved Kelso. I am very excited to see my little hometown and maybe catch the farmer's market, and of course a little run here and there :)

As always I leave you with my link- click it, get some details on what I'm up to, donate, and pass the info along! Thanks and have a fabulous day!

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