Sunday, September 19, 2010

Reserve your seats today!

Hello all!

I am so excited! Rehearsals for Our Fabulous Benefit Variety Show are going marvelously, last night we saw songs from Avenue Q, Wicked, The Wild Party, Songs For a New World, and Title of Show- and sitting there watching my friends perform...well I didn't feel like I was in our church rec room, during their numbers I was transported to a Broadway theater, front row center, watching the up and coming stars.

True story.

Seats are going quickly too, I had a lot of reservations made today at church! If you want to come, better reserve your seat soon! :)

I am so busy planning this event I don't have time to see my friends in their Ukrainian Dance performance! I'm telling you, they are so talented my friends.

Check out my site! Have a great day :)

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