Monday, October 4, 2010

Picture updates- Variety Show SUCCESS!

 The Fabulous Benefit Variety Show was a huge success! It was such a fun night filled with wonderful people and we raised over $3,000! We had a few expenses but all in all it was a great fund raiser and we have a great show that we can whip out on any stage at any I think we definitely need to do it again!

And hopefully we will! But a special thanks to everyone who came out and supported our cause and our show! We even got to see Stacey and Alyssa (not Ivy ;) our mentors for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America!

This is our full cast!
Shannon, Christine, Kasia, Bethany, Lauren, me, Ashley, Bobby, Erin, my dad Rick, Adam, and Fitzy! The only person missing is Kim!

Our sign and raffle tables!

Our silent auction and raffle were also a marvelous success! And the sign that Kasia's dad and my mom made for us just made the entire thing come together! Thanks!!
Here is a shot from our Cell Block Tango number! You know- some guys really can't hold their arsenic!

This is me singing Rose's Turn. A special thanks to Betty Birnbaum and Michael Disher for their direction and to Kim Makowski for her amazing piano playin' skills! It was so much fun to be Rose for a night :)

 My amazing team mates and fellow producers of the event!

This night would not have happened without them, Adam designed everything and Kasia and her amazing organizational skills kept us all on track! It was so fun working with you guys!

Bethany and Adam in their hilarious show stopping characters from Stud & A Babe!

Our full cast singing our final number, Finale B from Rent! A powerful moment from an awesome cast!

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