Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sponsor a performer for Our Fabulous Variety Show's Charitable Cabaret!

As part of my efforts as an event planner, I am producing a show with the help of my amazingly talented friends. We are all young artists, working to make our start, and I don't want to ask any of my friends to volunteer time and energy for what they should be paid big bucks for.

If you have seen them perform, you know they deserve compensation.

This is where I come in, I am working out a proposition to have people sponsor actors, performers, and musicians for our new company! If you would like to contribute to our cause and our art please let me know. There is no contribution too small, every bit makes a huge impact on our ability to afford gas to drive to rehearsals, haha.

Another way you can support our work is by coming out to see Or Fabulous Variety Show, A Charitable Cabaret this May!

Reserve your seats today by visiting
or by calling Anita Boyer at 740.607.6748. We look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Muse & Team Challenge Present: A Halloween Spectacular

Kasia got us the venue, Adam made the amazing flier, and I am promoting the crap out of it- join us for an evening of costumes, dancing, music, specials, and spooky fun! A Halloween party inspired by the art of Tim Burton and put on to benefit the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America!

This Friday- 1o.29.2o1o
Live DJ, dancing, Little Monster Margaritas, Tru Bloody Marys, amazing raffle prizes.

First 50 to arrive receive a VIP gift bag!
$10 donation to the CCFA for entry, includes wristband for access to bar and food specials and a free raffle ticket. Plus bring your friends and receive an extra free raffle ticket per friend!

Amazing prizes for best costume and for winners of the nights fabulous mini events including Bobbing for Appletinis!

Should be a really fun evening!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Halfway Hustle!

A new burst of motivation and inspiration was served up to me this morning in the form of a fabulous brunch complete with bagels, an assortment of schmear, and amazing stories straight from the souls of those I have been fund raising for these past couple months!

The CCFA Team Challenge Halfway Brunch was this morning, and along with my teammate Kasia I met and talked with my Team Challenge runners and raisers! And what an awesome bunch they are; survivors, warriors, ambassadors, and overall just really great people all working together toward a common goal- to find a cure for the diseases which their friends, family, and in many cases even they themselves suffer from.

I have a newly renewed drive! I am 32% of the way to my lofty goal at $10,000- I don't need to raise that much money, I WANT to raise that much money. I want to do everything I can to have an impact and I want to plan every fund raiser I can to increase awareness about the organization and it's great purpose!

So here is the list of upcoming fund raisers- put them on your calendar, tell your friends, and come out to help! I don't have Crohn's, I don't have colitis, I don't even have a full time job- I am just a 23 year old girl using what I have (the ability to create a fabulous event out of nothing and all my spare time) to do something for a cause and organization that I believe in. Now it is your turn to do the easy part- come have fun at one of our events! Pull up my website and throw me a few bucks! And share my blog and website with your other friends and family so they can do the same!!

October 21- Arbonne Party! 7pm- RSVP with your address so we can send you a sample and get you the info!

October 23- Bake Sale at the Riverhead King Kullen! 1-5pm, get delicious treats and stock up on Halloween goodies!

October 28- Halloween Party! Karaoke, Costume Contest, Raffles, and Awesome Prizes!!! (place and time tbd)

October 29- Car Wash! Southampton, watch for our signs and fabulously costumed car detailers! We will be ready to spray, scrub, and spook your cars up for Halloween!

November 6- Bake Sale Double Header! Join us first at the Southampton Waldbaum's from 9am-1pm and then follow us over to the Hampton Bays King Kullen from 1-5pm for more of our amazing treats!

November 20- TBD- Possibly an encore performance of Our Fabulous Benefit Variety Show! Stay tuned for details :)

And with that- hopefully I will have reached my goal and the next thing I can focus on is crossing that finish line in Vegas! Thanks and good night!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Picture updates- Variety Show SUCCESS!

 The Fabulous Benefit Variety Show was a huge success! It was such a fun night filled with wonderful people and we raised over $3,000! We had a few expenses but all in all it was a great fund raiser and we have a great show that we can whip out on any stage at any I think we definitely need to do it again!

And hopefully we will! But a special thanks to everyone who came out and supported our cause and our show! We even got to see Stacey and Alyssa (not Ivy ;) our mentors for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America!

This is our full cast!
Shannon, Christine, Kasia, Bethany, Lauren, me, Ashley, Bobby, Erin, my dad Rick, Adam, and Fitzy! The only person missing is Kim!

Our sign and raffle tables!

Our silent auction and raffle were also a marvelous success! And the sign that Kasia's dad and my mom made for us just made the entire thing come together! Thanks!!
Here is a shot from our Cell Block Tango number! You know- some guys really can't hold their arsenic!

This is me singing Rose's Turn. A special thanks to Betty Birnbaum and Michael Disher for their direction and to Kim Makowski for her amazing piano playin' skills! It was so much fun to be Rose for a night :)

 My amazing team mates and fellow producers of the event!

This night would not have happened without them, Adam designed everything and Kasia and her amazing organizational skills kept us all on track! It was so fun working with you guys!

Bethany and Adam in their hilarious show stopping characters from Stud & A Babe!

Our full cast singing our final number, Finale B from Rent! A powerful moment from an awesome cast!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Reserve your seats today!

Hello all!

I am so excited! Rehearsals for Our Fabulous Benefit Variety Show are going marvelously, last night we saw songs from Avenue Q, Wicked, The Wild Party, Songs For a New World, and Title of Show- and sitting there watching my friends perform...well I didn't feel like I was in our church rec room, during their numbers I was transported to a Broadway theater, front row center, watching the up and coming stars.

True story.

Seats are going quickly too, I had a lot of reservations made today at church! If you want to come, better reserve your seat soon! :)

I am so busy planning this event I don't have time to see my friends in their Ukrainian Dance performance! I'm telling you, they are so talented my friends.

Check out my site! Have a great day :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Breaking 1,000!!!!

A special shout out to Millie King who just sent me a check for $20 and pushing be over the $1,000 mark!!! I am so excited! Plus I just did a 45 minute run which for me is about 5 miles! I ran on the beach which was just fabulous.

Thank you to everyone who has donated, given me words of encouragement, and who have been helping with our fund raisers! I really appreciate everything and am having a really great time with this project!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Variety Show Progress!

I am so excited! Plans for the variety show are coming together! Erin choreographed an absolutely fabulous dance for Cell Block Tango, Adam made the fabulous flier you see above, and we have already had some great music rehearsals! Now I just need to focus on my running a bit, but the events are what I am having the most fun with!

Saturday is our first fundraiser! A bake sale at the Hampton Bays King Kullen so come out and get something delicious! I am making buckeyes, cupcake truffles, and muffins- Kasia is making cheesecake cupcakes, and I am not sure what Adam is making but I know it will be delicious!!!

Visit my site! I am $10 away from my first 1,000! Who wants to help me get it!!!???